Our mission statement
Booking a holiday today often means trawling through a vast directory of package deals, one not so different from the next. The holiday “criteria” of this nature simply means selecting your minimum star rating, and whether you want half-board or all inclusive. And once that’s all booked, it’s up to you to arrange any additional activities or experiences.
But travel is changing, luxury travel in particular. The new way to travel is authentically, immersively… our clients don’t just want a holiday, they want an experience, a story to tell, and lasting memories. The package deals offered by industry giants lack personalisation; they take the logistics and give you options.
At Livingstone’s Travel World, we flip this modernised way of booking on its head, putting your desire for experience first, whatever that may be. And then we sort out the logistics for you, too. All of our expertly curated itineraries can be tailored to suit you, or we can just start from scratch. The choice is yours – and that is Travel Without Compromise.
Livingstone’s Travel World provides discerning clients with a One Stop Travel Service, with ATOL Protected arrangements for every type of Client with the emphasis on Customer Care. Information on all aspects of our business including our Terms and Conditions the need for Payments & Deposits and the Livingstone’s Difference can be found on the links provided here.